
Tempo é Músculo | Episódio 1

Tempo é Músculo | Episódio 1

Two nights ago I felt a strong tightness in my chest. When the day began, the trumpets sounded. In Brazil, 950 people die of heart attack every day. A patient with prostatic neoplasia, a prostate cancer, who was operated and had a post-surgery heart attack. The majority of heart attacks are caused by obstruction: fatty plaques that build up over time or clots that form in the arteries of the heart. When you have an imbalance between the supply and the consumption of oxygen in the heart, you may suffer a heart attack. 40-65% of these deaths occur during the first hour of the heart attack. And approximately 80% during the first 24 hours. For fast help, it is necessary to have interventional cardiologists on call 24 hours a day. I have hypertension, I have cardiac arrhythmia, heart failure… It’s a hereditary disease. In the vast majority of cases, it is hereditary. Risk factors: hypertension, diabetes, obesity, lack of exercise, drugs, cigarettes, high cholesterol, especially. These risk factors have been known for decades, but despite the prevention campaigns of governments and medical associations all over the world, people still don’t take care of themselves. The routine of an interventional cardiologist is unpredictable. Dr. Carlos Campos from hemodynamics at the Heart Institute in São Paulo has attended up to 20 cases during a single shift. Today, in the first case of the day, he will do an exam called catheterization in order to check the heart arteries of Mr. José. Is it the first time you are doing this exam? In there, you don’t need to worry. I will tell you about everything I’m going to do Look, I will give you the anesthesia, I’ll give you a small injection. I will tell you about everything beforehand. Ok? Stay calm, there will be no surprises. We’ll take good care of you. All good? We will begin the exam, ok? From now on I don’t want you to feel pain. Ok? You can feel a warm stream running along you hand, the forearm… Don’t be scared, this is normal, ok? Ok. In catheterization, a catheter is inserted in the patient’s wrist or groin. This catheter will go inside the artery all the way to the heart. We are doing well. The doctor then injects a contrast that shows the blood flow in the patient’s heart. Look, the catheterization is over, ok? I will evaluate the images outside. and I’ll be back to chat with you, ok? Ok. The exam went without incidents, it was quite simple. Ok? Great news! There are no obstructions in this heart. No? No. Good news, right? Ohh. This heart attack that he had was probably related to surgical stress. In extreme situations, when you have significant anemia, the patient had severe blood loss, he goes through surgical stress. The heart needs more oxygen than the organism can offer. In those cases, one can have small heart attacks, and that was his case. He had a small heart attack without actually having any serious obstructions in the arteries of his heart. Bye, thank you. Guys, thank you. Tomorrow morning there’s more. In the next episode, you will understand why we insist so much on alerting about the dangers of hypertension and diabetes.


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