
Tempo é Músculo | Episódio 3

Tempo é Músculo | Episódio 3

Emergency Hello. I’m having a strong pain in my chest, miss. It’s like someone is stepping on it. Are you alone, sir? I am at home, but I’m alone. Ok, stay calm. I will help you. I can’t breathe. I think I’m going to die. I’m here on the line with you. Breathe deeply. You are not going to die. Breathe. It’s bad. I feel a squeezing in my chest, a very intense pain. Chronic smoker for 30 years. Half a pack a day or more. Denies diabetes and high blood pressure. Smoking is responsible for more than 55% of heart attacks. Elinaldo, 49 years old, his risk factors only include smoking. He felt a strong chest pain at 8 o’clock in the morning that caused him to go to another emergency room. There, because of the chest pain, they did an electrocardiogram, which showed a ‘supra’. He is not feeling pain right now, right? No pain right now. Let me see the EKG. Ok, so we will do the catheterization through the radial now. We will begin the procedure shortly, Marcelo. Thank you. Depending on the size and the total or partial closing of the artery, the EKG can show an alteration that we call ST-segment elevation. This is very important, because it determines the treatment. When we speak of a heart attack with ‘supra’ , we think of an artery that is completely closed. So the myocardium is suffering. And if this artery isn’t opened quickly, this myocardium will die. And in its place will be a scar. This is the problem. I always say that in order to provide good treatment, we need to have trained doctors, we have to have well-equipped hospitals, and we have to have well-informed people. You or your family member needs to come and say: I’m having chest pain. I may be having a heart attack. See me quickly. Cigarettes, among other things, increase the possibility that the fat deposits stick to the walls of blood vessels and this causes a contraction that we call vasoconstriction. In other words, contraction of the blood vessels. The caliber decreases, it becomes more difficult for blood to get through. If I already have a clog, the chance of total blockage is higher. We have here a heart attack with ‘supra’ and we are now preparing to do the heart catheterization. If the exam reveals any findings that indicate an angioplasty, we will do it right away. For us, a period of about 12 hours determines our ability to restore at least partially the function of this muscle. And we always expect total recovery. But the idea is to save this muscle that is suffering from the lack of oxygen. Time is muscle. Everything depends on how long this artery stayed closed before we are able to begin treatment. Elinaldo? Hi, good afternoon. My name is Gabriel. I will take part in your procedure. I will inject a localized anesthetic in your wrist now, ok? A tingling and burning feeling. Ok. Mr. Elinaldo, we found the cause of your chest pain, ok? Now we will continue through the same access the angioplasty, which is the process of unblocking the blood vessel, ok? Is it serious? All heart attacks are serious. But stay calm, there is treatment for this. This here is the stent. We removed this metal structure here from its protective cap. It will navigate by this cord here until the inside of the coronary artery, and when it gets to the right place, we inflate the balloon, and it opens up in there and attaches to the wall of the blood vessel. The blood pressure is great. Releasing the stent. We were planning on using just one stent, but we lacked a bit in the proximal. So we will place a second stent there, to finish covering it. 8, 10, 12 atmospheres. Releasing the second stent. Now it’s good. It turned out very well. Congratulations, Elinaldo. The result came out really good. Good luck to you! Very good. It turned out well. Very good. A classic heart attack with supra, the artery is completely closed. Luckily for him, and for us too, the artery was already partially open. This is already the second stent being inflated. Here the entire lesion, the entire obstruction was treated. How much of the muscle exactly is left, we’ll be able to know only later, with better exams. You have to stop smoking. Reducing is not enough. Cigarettes don’t offer any benefits. They bring only harm, even in small quantities. What changes in the life of a heart attack survivor? You will learn the stories of Célia and Enrique in the final episode of the series "Time is muscle".


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