
Robbie Williams sobre não ter que se encarar em cinebio em que aparece como chimpanzé: ‘Libertador’

Robbie Williams sobre não ter que se encarar em cinebio em que aparece como chimpanzé: ‘Libertador’

I know what you’re thinking what’s with the monkey it’s it’s great to see your face after watching the movie without it which were the first words that you had when you first saw this movie watched this movie um well it wasn’t what I said it was what I thought because I had so much anxiety about going to watch it because it’s been in the making for seven years and what if it’s and uh so I sat down to watch it and I was sort of gripping the chair and then as the as the movie went on I released my grip and at the end of the movie I thought I think that’s one of the best movies I’ve ever seen and then I reminded myself I’m a narcissist and I needed to go and seek outside opinion and um look it may not be one of the best movies ever made but it’s touching an awful lot of people in a way that movies don’t these days so no I think I think you can see all the reviews also when it’s all incredible and for a narcissistic like you said that you are it’s it’s probably the first piece of work that you’ve made that your face is not there uh was this a little bit weird for you that’s that’s really interesting actually I’ve only just thought maybe I love it so much because I don’t see me that’s interesting I’ve just had that thought um it’s somehow could be liberating I don’t know I’m just gessing here it I I think the Liberation comes from the fact that it’s it’s so good you know and um and maybe the second part of The Liberation might be the fact like you say that I’m not looking at me even though I’m a narcissist I’m a complicated narcissist that also doesn’t like myself very much so you know um well the the movie shows a lot of uh I’m going to use this word here and you and you tell me if it’s not correct a lot of mistakes that you’ve made in your life uh watching it from now from the perspective of a 50 year old in fact congrats that was just 50 less years so I know how it is so uh be from from your perspective uh do you kind of look at that and forgive yourself I I’m not there yet but I’m further on down the line than I’ve ever been I like to say these days I’m less insane but insane all the same that’s great it’s a great line and I bet and I bet it is a great feeling as well it is you know um it used to be intolerable and unlivable and now I do derive Joy from places that I couldn’t derive Joy from in the past I’m having a great time and I love my job um so progress does this change of of feelings about yourself and about your life reflects in your own art in your music um I I I guess so but you know I I I wonder what the most successful album has ever been where the artist has been really happy I don’t think they really exist um yeah I I mean it just reflects in my daytoday uh at the moment I’m going through a period of anxiety that I haven’t experienced in quite a while I’m having a weaken a bit of uh turbulence and I haven’t experienced this in a while bet probably with the release of the movie probably so that is I think maybe with the the work that I did around the movie and and the release of the movie definitely but I I’ve uh I’ve been doing um the kind of promotion that gives a boy band member a nervous breakdown but um but it’s but it’s all worth it Robbie there just told me that is my last question I have to ask you about your memories of your show in R when you were here here with us uh in 206 can you tell me what do you remember the most about it that it is like Ste in your mind when you think about that I I remember that when um does this happen in in in Brazil a lot that like at the start of the gig there was there was a bunch of people there but by the end of the gig there was way more people there does that does that happen in Brazil it does we we we are not it it’s I I’ve never seen that happen before cuz like I remember getting up on stage and I was doing very well in the world right then and I was like a no one’s come but then by the end everybody everybody was there and it was amazing surprise effect we like that yeah and uh you know as as is with South America warm kind and loving wonderful we’re waiting for you to turn thank you I’ll be here forever all right have a nice day byebye M next two hours your house it’s [Applause] [Music] mine I’m going to be famous shut off your tits oh off Glen


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