
Mauro Vieira diz que Brasil recebeu com “decepção” prazo dado para evacuar Gaza

Mauro Vieira diz que Brasil recebeu com “decepção” prazo dado para evacuar Gaza

Brazil believes that the council should act in the face of an almost unprecedented escalating violence and unfolding humanitarian catastrophe the council has a crucial responsibility both in the immediate response to the unfolding humanitarian crisis as well as in later stages when intensified multilateral efforts will be needed to restore a peace process

Neither Israelis nor Palestinians should have to endure similar suffering ever again I came to the the UN firstly to convey president Lula’s call for for an urgent multilateral humanitarian action to end the suffering of civilians caught up in the midest of these hostilities I also underscored president Lula’s appeal for the immediate and

Unconditional release of the civilians that have been been abducted and held hostage since the beginning of this crisis Brazil will continue to promote dialogue among members and action on the part of the council through the opening of possible Avenues of negotiation the immediate objective is clear and immediate to prevent further Bloodshed

And loss of life and to try to ensure urgent and impeded humanitarian access to the affected areas International humanitarian law and international human rights law provide clear guidance on what needs to be done a humanitarian pause is urgent as well as the establishment of humanitarian corridors to access

Gaza much of the reputation of the United Nations and in particular of the security Council depends on the approach of the organization to the ongoing crisis the eyes of the world are also on us here in New York Brazil has been following the situation in Israel and Palestine with deep sadness and concern

Alarmed by the widespread human suffering we firmly believe that all efforts must prioritize the protection of civilians especially the many children caught up in the violence we received with dismay the news that Israel forces called for all civilians more than 1 million living in Northern Gaza to leave within 24

Hours as the United Nations has stated that may lead to unprecedented levels of misery for innocent civilians we are also following closely the situation of Brazilian citizens in both Israel and Palestine we have repatriated hundreds of Brazilians from the region so far we mourn the three youngster who

Perished in the attack to the music festival they were attending while in Israel we express our deepest sympathy to all families that lost their loved ones in this conflict including humanitarian work workers and un Personnel we also express our solidarity to the wounded and displaced we hope that peace May PR Veil

For all in the Middle East and will continue to work to achieve that end finally we reiterate our strong support to an enduring two-state solution with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace and prosperity with insecure mutually agreed and internationally recognized borders thank you Min does Brazil does Brazil

Uh support the resolution the draft resolution that was proposed by Russia we are still beginning consultations on this end and we’ll see at the end thank you thank


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