Segredo Das Padarias, De um Jeito Fácil e Rápido de Fazer!!!
600gr peeled cassava cut in half and into smaller pieces In a blender add the cassava 4 Eggs 1 teacup of sugar 1 cup of milk tea 3 Tablespoons unsalted butter Beat at full power for 3 minutes Beat until this consistency 100gr of grated mozzarella Mix for the cheese…
Perfeita Para o São João, Bala de Goma Super deliciosa!
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Jantar de Batatas Em Poucos Minutos, minha avó me ensinou!
Potato cover with water salt to taste Let cook until soft In a skillet add oil to taste. 1 diced onion 3 cloves of garlic Stir well until cool 450 grams of minced meat Mix well 1 Teaspoon of Salt of paprika 1 Teaspoon of black pepper 200g of tomato…
Não descongele o frango, Prepare seu jantar em 3 Minutos!
1/2 chicken breast Add to bowl 2 Medium Potatoes Drain excess water from potato Add grated Potato to bowl 1/2 diced onion 1 egg 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp 1/2 tsp salt Teaspoon of oregano 1/2 Teaspoon of black pepper 100 gr of Mozzarella grated Mozzarella Mix well Olive…
Adicione Ovos no Milho, e Prepare seu Jantar em 3 minutos!
250 gr Corn Green 2 Eggs 1 Pinch of Salt Mix well 50 gr of Cornstarch 1 Teaspoon of garlic 1 Tablespoon of green smell Mix well In a skillet over low heat Olive oil to taste Spread well with a brush Add the mixture to the skillet Spread well…
Sobremesa de Milho com Goiabada! Deliciosa e fácil de fazer 😋
مرحبًا بالجميع ، هذه الحلوى لذيذة وسهلة … تعال وتعلم معي 1 عبوة من الجوافة قلّب حتى تذوب هذه هي النقطة … 1 علبة من القشدة الحامضة أضف شيئًا فشيئًا التحريك باستمرار في الخلاط أضف 700 مل من الحليب 2 عبوات من الذرة الخضراء بدون ماء معلب 1 كوب من…
Prepare Abobrinha Assim da Próxima Vez!!!
[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign Fonte Fique informado(a) de tudo que acontece, em MeioClick®
O Segredo Do Frango mais suculento Que Você Já Viu!!!
Fonte Fique informado(a) de tudo que acontece, em MeioClick®
Faça Esse Bolo de Abacaxi Sem Leite!!!
Fonte Fique informado(a) de tudo que acontece, em MeioClick®
Lasanha De Berinjela Feita Dessa Forma Fica Deliciosa!
[Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you Fonte Fique informado(a) de tudo que acontece, em MeioClick®