
Criador de Griselda destaca “mix de emoções” provocado pela série

Criador de Griselda destaca “mix de emoções” provocado pela série

When you’re telling the story of someone who does bad things because undeniably Griselle de Blanco does bad things it’s very hard in two hours in a two-hour film to depict them honestly and not lose sympathy so you know when you have a character who who kills a child for

Example in a movie that character can only be the bad guy and that charact that’s the that is the bad guy in the story and and something bad needs to happen to that character by the end of the story in our case when you have six hours you can

Make you can make it more nuanced and you can make the character despite things that they’ve done relatable and sympathetic and so I love this format of you know I could do Pablo Escobar in 20 hours you can go from one episode where he blows up an airplane and kills a bunch

Of innocent people to two episodes later you you love him and you see his Humanity so in a lot of ways when you’re telling the story of complicated criminals um I think that movies often do them a disservice when a deeper analysis longer look is is in order


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