
Garbage fala sobre o Brasil e os 30 anos de carreira

Garbage fala sobre o Brasil e os 30 anos de carreira

Um first question how about to be back to Brazil we’ve been here in 20 20 2012 2016 and now what are your good memories from playing here and how does it feel to be back it’s spectacular to be here it never gets old always a thrill the food’s

Insane and the people are very very special and we have eight to come back to Brazil for a long time and covert kind of poop Aid to our plans to return so to be here today on such an incredibly wrong festival with such amazing acts on the

Film with us is a real thrill good and in talking about the the the bill we have from the yeah yeah yes to to to to to web leg so Bens that somehow relate to garbage to what you’re done how do you feel about it I feel very proud you

Know and you know Karen and I currently AAS and I are pretty good mates and to be sharing the bill together today is a thrill for us so it exciting good and um it’s been now it’s garbage it’s 30 30 years of of garbage

So uh is there is there going to be a celebration what what what’s your what’s what are your feelings about it or your feelings for 30 years it’s hard to believe and we wish people would quit bringing it up yeah and consider that you’re still together after the same for four people yeah

And and I for one I can’t speak for people very proud of the fact that there’s not an easy thing to accomplish and we all feel very lucky together yeah and what can you tell me about this new record it’s awesome [Laughter] it does anything change it’s about a

Change about doing records after 30 years what has changed what has changed for us yes I don’t know our writing process is somewhat different I think than other bands the last couple of Records we just throw ideas music ideas and then surely started singing and then we we record a

Lot of different things and then we start to edit it down until it sort of has a cohesive feel and uh as a band we like to try a lot of different things experiment a lot so that’s why the studios is fun and interesting and uh sometimes a

Bit of a head scratcher because you know I think a song is going in this direction and then by the end of it it’s gone in this direction but that’s how we’ve always made garbage records I see that you you just recorded a a version of Citizen dust from

Uh silks in the benches uh why did you do it well what how much do you love this song I think we’ve talked about doing a Susie and the Banshees cover for ages and I’ve always been reluctant because out of the band I’m probably the most hardcore fan

Like she’s like my absolute icon you know and then Butch I think decided that perhaps we should give cities of dust a try and because I consider cities in dust much later on in the catalog I felt so comfortable given a try but I kept

Saying to the boys I’m like if we do it it has to be great it has to be great and it’s free


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