
Greta Thunberg é presa em protesto contra indústria do petróleo em Londres

Greta Thunberg é presa em protesto contra indústria do petróleo em Londres

Money up who got money up we [Applause] sh only Money as in your guidelin in your Gu we shut down oily money out of London oily money out of [Applause] londony really try to that don’t bring your cameras close stay it has been clear for decades that the fossil fuel industries were well aware of the consequences of their business models and yet they have

Done nothing the opposite they have actively delayed destructive and denied the causes of the climate crisis I think we are many who uh are starting to sound like broken records because we have to keep saying the same thing over and over again for years and yet I have not even

Been doing this for a long time people have been saying this for decades and people living on the front lines scientists indigenous peoples have been raising the alarm um but their voices have uh been drowned in a in greenwashing and lies coming from people in power um and corrupt leaders um so

But giving up is not an option because we know what is at stake I


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