
Herpes labial: O que se deve (e não deve) fazer? | Drauzio Comenta #62

Herpes labial: O que se deve (e não deve) fazer? | Drauzio Comenta #62

Hello, YouTube friends. I’ll answer Juliana Aguirre’s question. Juliana asks me to talk about cold sores: what to do and what not to do to treat? Cold sores, many people call intestinal fever, name that has nothing to do. In general, it manifests itself through these bubbles;

Starts with burning, it gets kind of weird, sometimes it tingles the lip and then burst those little bubbles. What should not be done? First, you should not stick the bubbles at all, because you aggravate the injury and sometimes, this punctured bubble can infect,

Leaving scars on your lips, then do nothing, do not apply anything on the spot. There are people who put ice, others put local heat. Cold sores have treatment, there are antiviral drugs that make herpes reduce the duration time of these vesicles that appear on the lips.

In general, the vesicles appear on one side or the other. Very difficult to appear at the same time on both sides. It is a virus, called a herpes virus type 1, this cold sore virus, you get when you are little as a child.

The first manifestation is very, very serious, it is very exuberant: sometimes vesicles appear on the whole mouth, they happen as a child, they can not swallow at all After that, it is that it adopts this form of small vesicles that remain on the lips.

You have medicines for this, and there is a doctor has to guide how you should take these medications. Ointments they do not help much. The medicines yes! Antivirals that have anti herpetic action, which are usually taken for five days time. Herpes, alone, also passes, except it takes much longer.

In general, it takes a week and sometimes more; taking medicine we can shorten it, these vesicles heal quickly for 2/5 days, but can be controlled. The sooner you take the medication, best! Better will be the answer. The problem with herpes is that we can not stop it.

What he does? It migrates through the nervous root and it comes to rest inside a nervous ganglion and stays there. Then you catch the sun one day or hurt your lip, it goes down the nerve root and forms the lesion. We cure injury or injury cure alone, it recovers again.

So it’s a type of illness that we call relapsing, and relapses. We do not get freer of the virus, sometimes the body itself controls for many years and even forever.


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