


It is absolutely forbidden to film or take photos inside this room. But we got a special authorization to show everything to you. We came to Spain, more specifically to Madrid, to show you what to do here, what this famous and amazing city has to offer.

The entrance to the Palace is free for European Union and Latin America citizens. At the Moncloa region there are a lot of cool things for you to see. It is a little far alway, but just take one bus, or one subway and you are here. There is even the Moncloa station.

The Museum of the Americas is located here. It is a beautiful historic building and it is huge. If you like museums, like us, you will have a lot of fun here. But this time we are here mainly for the attraction that is on this side.

Look at the size of this tower called Faro de Moncloa. You can go to the top to have a spectacular view, and the best thing is the price: Only 3 euros. We will show you this beautiful place right now. So let’s go.

Look, Faro de Moncloa is a circle, but you don’t have access to all the 360 °. Half of it is open, so you don’t have access. The other half, from here, is closed, it’s warm inside, and then you can see the main part of the city.

It is very beautiful because it is not that tall, so you see the places very close. But the main sights are all here. It is not a very well-known place. Now, for example, we are here alone, and it is very nice, it is worth to come here.

For only 3 euros you have the whole city to yourself. Very nice indeed. When we see the city from the top, we have the real dimension of some things. For example, who would say that Madrid has so many green areas.

Behind me there are three different parks that I want to show you. Over there, close to the Royal Palace, is Campo del Moro, which is the smallest. Down here, there’s Parque del Oeste. And back there is the big Casa de Campo, which belongeg at first to the royalty,

Used for holidays, for hunting, and nowadays it is the largest park in Madrid. Putting it all together, the result is this beautiful scenery behind us, which makes you want to go there for a walk. Madrid has many museums, but two of them are the most important.

The first is this one behind us: Reina Sofia, keeper of one of the 10 most famous works of art in the world, exactly what we’re going to show you now, and also a little bit of the rest of the museum. So, if you want to see cool art, Madrid is the place,

And Reina Sofia is one of the museums, so let’s get to know it. We are now inside the most important room of the museum, after all, behind me, there is one of the most important works in the world: Guernica, by Pablo Picasso.

It was painted in 1937 and is enormous. It is 7 meters long by 3 meters high. Picasso wanted to show the horrors of the Spanish Civil War, to make a manifesto. It is practically a war against the war at the time of the Spanish Civil War.

His idea was to represent all the horrors of authoritarian governments, of fascist governments that were on the rise in Europe. So, you will need time to look closely at every detail that Picasso represented in this work. As I said, it is one of the most important works of art in the world,

So, it is true to say that in this room is the Mona Lisa of Reina Sofia Museum. That is why this room is always crowded, and it is absolutely forbidden to film or take photos here. But we got a special authorization from the museum

To show you everything. Behind me you are seeing the work as a whole, but now we are going to show you some details of it. It is worth to spend some time in this room and see every nuance of this wonderful work. Come see in detail with me.

As an extra information for you, Guernica was actually a village of about 6,000 inhabitants in northern Spain. . It was bombed by General Franco, who was the dictator at the time, because it had a very strong symbolism.

It belonged to the Basque Country and back in the Middle Ages it was where several meetings were held. Needless to say that General Franco did not agree with them. So, he decided to bomb Guernica precisely due to this symbology, to send a message and humiliate the people.

However, destroying a village with 6 thousand inhabitants caused a huge international commotion, and Picasso obviously decided to give his contribution painting this beautiful and extremely strong picture. And this is how things work, the history is registered, and we are having this opportunity to show you everything in an exclusive way.

Right now, there’s only us and the painting in here. Tiago, take a step back, one more, one more! And then you can appreciate this huge work. Impressive, right? Have you given your like on this video? Do it now, it’s worth. While walking through the parks here in Madrid,

You find rare jewels, like this one, an authentic Egyptian temple from the 2nd century b.C. It was not originally built here, of course! It was donated to Madrid and in 1972 was opened in this city park. It was rebuilt, because a dam was built and it was going to be flooded.

It was rebuilt stone by stone and now it is here. You can visit the inside of the temple and we are going there to show you. It’s free, there is only one row there. For reasons of conservation, the entrance is allowed just for 30 people at a time, but it’s really cool.

You visit the inside, this central part here, but be careful, it’s forbidden to cross through the middle. During the summer it is full of water. Now it’s empty, but you can’t cross here, you have to wait in line. Really nice!

Now we are here on the second floor of the temple, and this is where we have a model that reproduces how the temple worked. There are also some separate pieces, some stones with scriptures. It’s very interesting, it’s worth to come here. Look at this block here, dated from between 200 and 180 a.C.

Look how preserved it is. Behind a glass, as you can see, but look at this. Now you are going to know the cherry on the cake of Parque do Retiro: a Crystal Palace. Do you want to know where it is?

Exactly at the opposite side of this super beautiful scenery that you are seeing back here. Tiago, turn around, then you can see this beauty! Opening the camera … aha … You can even visit the inside of this spectacular palace. The second really important museum in Madrid is this one: Prado Museum.

You can’t miss a visit. Here is a tip of Viaje Por Conta: 2 hours before the museum closes, the entrance is free. Just arrive a little earlier, because the queue is long, but you can visit it for free.

As it is fall, the museum closes at 8 p.m., which means that from 6 p.m. the entrance is free. Inside we can neither film nor photograph. There is no special authorization this time. So, we end the video here.

We are going to visit it now, but you should watch another Viaje Por Conta vídeo. We are sure you will be delighted with another fantastic place. Leave your like, subscribe to our channel and see you next time. Goodbye!


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