
“Lula desonrou a memória de 6 milhões de judeus assass1nados pelos naz1stas”, diz Netanyahu

“Lula desonrou a memória de 6 milhões de judeus assass1nados pelos naz1stas”, diz Netanyahu

Today the president of Brazil by comparing Israel’s war in Gaza against Hamas a genocidal terrorist organization to the Holocaust president Silva has disgraced the memory of 6 million Jews murdered by the Nazis and he’s demonize the Jewish State like the most virent anti-semite he should be ashamed of

Himself you know we often speak about the history of anti-Semitism and we say how could those lies that were leveled against the Jewish people these extraordinary falsifications these uh these un unbelievable dire tribes that had no basis in fact how could they have been believed by so many but that’s exactly

What’s happening today in the case of Israel


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