
“Obviamente, nós discordamos desses comentários”, diz porta-voz dos EUA sobre fala de Lula

“Obviamente, nós discordamos desses comentários”, diz porta-voz dos EUA sobre fala de Lula

Things but um uh of course the secretary is on his way to Brazilia uh I’m sure you saw the comments by Lula by President Lula um in Ethiopia uh this this past weekend uh Israel’s quite upset with him you liking what’s happening there to to the Holocaust uh

Do you have any comment on both on both do you have any comment on what Lula said and do you think the secretary will raise this with himor so obviously we disagree with those comments we have been quite clear um uh that we do not believe uh that uh genocide has occurred

In Gaza we want to see the conflict Ended as soon as as practicable we want to see humanitarian assistance uh increased in a sustained manner to innocent civilians in Gaza um but we do not agree with those comments and


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