two weeks ago I signed an executive order Banning men from playing in women’s sports uh many Democrats are fighting me on that I hope you continue because you’ll never win another race the NCAA has complied immediately by the way that’s good but I understand Maine is Maine here the governor of Maine not here are you uh not going to comply with it I’m complying with state and federal laws well I’m we are the federal law well you better do it you better do it because you’re not going to get any federal funding at all if you don’t and by the way your population even though it’s somewhat liberal although I did very well there uh your population doesn’t want Men playing in women’s sports so you better comp you better comply because otherwise you’re not getting any any federal funding see every state good I’ll see you in court I look forward to that that should be a real easy one and enjoy your life after Governor because I don’t think you’ll be an elected politics every state has a responsibility to comply with title dine they have a obligation a legal obligation and we’ll be enforcing aggressively and uh we’re going to be protecting our Citizens We’re going to protect
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