♪♫♬ Brazil has stood out because of its frightening amount of hate crimes against the LGBT community. Statistics show a high level of direct or symbolic violence against transvestites, transexual women, and trans men. People who are prevented from living in social, everyday environments, such as schools and hospitals. If we are frowned upon in these public and private spaces, can you imagine us being employees? There is this idea that transvestite men and women are connected to sexual professions. However, in fact, to many this path becomes the only option. Or do you see a lot of trans people assisting you in stores, restaurants, cafeterias? Do you have trans colleagues at your office? Do you employ any transexual? This scenario empoverishes, marginalizes, and ultimately kills the (trans) community. A lot. What about the government? The government, that should care for the safety and the well being of its people, is silent. In 2015, for exemple, Brazilian Municipal Chambers and Legislative Assemblies dedicated a good amount of their time to pass bigot bills. For instance, bill #6,583/13, known as the "Family Statute", which, generally speaking, states that the family entity is formed, exclusively, by the union of a man and a woman. Can you believe it? These bills are based on merely moral and religious concepts, denying transvestites, transexual women, and trans men the plenitude of rights that our federal Constitution establishes. An idea that can guide this discussion – just for starters: What if transvestites and transexuals were contemplated with affirmative action programs, for exemple? ♪♫♬ Some people can’t even fathom that I work, because there is a prejudgement. Either they think a visually impaired person is a ‘poor thing’ or someone who should be isolated in their house. They can’t fathom that we can perform professional activities.
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